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A landmark film in New Queer Cinema, this is a must-watch for fans of independent film and lesbian history. The Watermelon Woman is about history's erasure of black women's accomplishments and black queerness, and what it's like navigating a different world than those who came before. Her documentary is meant to tell the story of a black actress who played 'mammy' roles and was credited, in a film Cheryl has seen, only as 'Watermelon Woman.' While Cheryl researches the Watermelon Woman, she dives into the lesbian communities of the past, asking many questions and only sometimes finding answers. The Watermelon Woman tells the story of Cheryl (played by film director, writer, and editor Cheryl Dunye), who works at a video rental store during the day and films a documentary at night. Where to watch: Stream on Hulu, Amazon Prime, Roku Channel, Showtime, Rent on Apple TV, Youtube Still image of Cheryl Dunye as Cheryl in Watermelon Woman Some of these movies are heartwarming romantic comedies, some are more serious, artistic fare, but all of these movies highlight the beauty of queer lives through film.

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But that doesn't mean we can't all celebrate the joys of queer culture during Pride Month.Ĭheck out this list below of our movie recs for a quietly celebratory June. Pride can get pretty hectic, and parties and parades (or loud celebrations of any sort) aren't for everyone.

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